Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Katie had a fun Easter chasing her cousins around and seeing Grandpa and Grandma.  She enjoyed finding the eggs in the yard and noticed her Easter basket as soon as she woke up and came into the family room.  If there is candy around, she will find it!  I don't let her have much candy - I am sure Paul and I will enjoy most of her Easter basket, which we don't need either!  The dentist is amazed at how good her teeth are and said that he could tell that she doesn't eat a lot of sweets.  Oh, she gets her share!  One time at a birthday party  we were running late, so I just took her without lunch ( expecting pizza or some kind of food) and there were only sweets, and lots of them! She had WAY too many. I paid the price for it with a very cranky child.  So I try to avoid that, cranky Katie is not much fun. But here she is, sweet as ever.